It is time to make the change to all natural cleaning products in your home to improve the health of you and your loved pets! Studies show that inhaling the particulates of chemical spray into your lungs and our little puppy lungs is very bad for health and likely a contributor to developing cancer. Do your family a favor and change products now!
Here are some of my Mom's fave eco brands...
Seventh Generation Products
Ecover Natural Cream Scrub
Mrs. Meyers...esp the Clean Day Stainless Steel Spray!
Restoration Hardware Surface Cleaner
Aubrey likes the Earth Aware All Purpose Household Cleaner
Natural Choices Oxy-Scrub Kitchen and Bathroom Cleanser
Vermont Soapworks Liquid Sunshine for Floors
These are just a few, there are many great brands out there so try one until you find the right fit and don't forget the elbow grease!
If you want to go "SUPER NATURAL", try grandma's trusty white vinegar and water in a spray bottle for glass and surfaces and effective baking soda to scrub those sink, toilet, and tub stains. Also, new oxygen whitening powder is a much safer and brighter alternative to poisonous chlorine bleaches.
After a little experimenting, you will grow to love the new green home you inhabit with your furry friends! And you can leave safely knowing that if they get into the new cleaning products they can make a mess without death!
Try it today, it only takes a little effort and saves lives!!!