Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Nine Lives May Mot Be Enough...

Ok, so everyone in this town must be on some crazy medication or should have lost the right to drive long ago, because my mom and I have almost been hit so many times in the last week it is becoming more than scary. It's obviously not enough that I made it through a crazy lady with coyotes in her yard, 2 hypoglycemic comas, an entire year plus of constant vomiting, acute renal failure and bleeding from both ends, along with various other doggie mystery ailments. Each day on our route to work, some new goon tries to hit us in a variety of ways...some of my favorites are as follows:

Old man in cream colored ancient Ford driving the wrong way straight towards us on a one way street.

Lady on a cell in a brand new BMW turning into our lane as we try not to swerve into parked cars on the side of Haley.

Semi-driver turning out of a parking lot who cannot steer the truck any other way than into our car, forcing us to back up into a busy intersection and wait like sitting ducks for him to creep by us without stripping the paint clean off the car!

Bus driver of the Braille Institute, yes, relish the irony...Braille Institute...turns out onto De La Vina straight into the passenger side of the car where I am sitting in my bag along with 2 people who had recently had back and hip surgeries, forcing us to swerve into the other lane, nearly avoiding parked cars in front of Taffy's Pizza!

Gardener truck coming around the corner of my street in the middle of the lane on a tight curve and practically slamming us into the car behind us, thank goodness for new brakes!

I am really glad my mom is such a decent driver, and to all you nutjobs out there acting a fool on the road, please go home and watch Idol or something and let me live.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The High Price Of Flying

My mom loves to take me everywhere, which necessitates air travel at times. It is an expensive luxury that will hopefully be aided by my newish status as a prescribed assistance animal, however normally the cost per roundtrip is $160 for my ticket alone. Now on a good day, to a close destination, this can easily rival the price of my mom's ticket!
I think it is a shame that the already problematic airline industry is so poorly equipped to deal with any type of real security issue but can afford to rip off already disgruntled patrons of their less than glamorous flight services by charging a pretty penny for pets. Bottom line...loving parents will always pay rather than leave baby in a cruel kennel or pay an equally exorbitant petsitter so the airline has taken the $160 for at least 6 roundtrip flights, and regardless of distance or the inconvenience of being shoved under a seat with all the stinking feet of hundreds of people that my nose can smell much more sickeningly than yours, I should be the one getting paid!
I'll have stayed quietly in a bag the length of a sub sandwich for over 10 hours with no bathroom break, no meal, no play time, no screaming fits, no slamming myself against the back of another patrons chair, and unlike all the other toddlers on the flights I have been essentially unseen and completely unheard by anyone. And when seatmates do see me and love me, it makes the flight. Again, why don't they pay us?
The flight attendants were not so nice on my 6 flights; I think my friends are more helpful. Let's petition to fly free for all dogs on all airlines asap because mom's family is going broke flying me around the country at the rate I'm going. How about double frequent flyer miles at least considering they charge for 2 roundtrip tickets? I mean, I need my mom to get me my own confirmation number through a lengthy and annoying phone call each and every time.
Despite the dropping the old required rabies and vet papers to verify health, it is still a hassle when booking online to then have to call and bother an already annoyed rep for a little 6 pound purse full of puppy to have a special code assigned to it, and then have to count me as a carryon, limiting mom further for the money and love of bringing me. That's love for ya!

Adopt a Good Black Dog, Big or Small...They Need Your Help!

Fight back against the discrimination of "Big Black Dog Syndrome"!
Please go quickly to your nearest shelter and look a little closer at that dark doggie in the kennel. That one that some might think is a bit grizzled or kind of strange looking could be your next best friend if you just take the time to find a good match.

You will be saving a life that statistically is more easily taken away by lethal injection at shelters nationwide than non-black dogs. My older sister Sapphire is mostly black, being a border collie/sheltie mix and is the best, most friendly, wonderful companion and rescue dog. However, she is often mistaken for being aggressive as she moves toward people with a huge grin on her teeth that is misread for pre-bite behavior instead of the unbridled friendliness of a herding dog. Then when people pet her soft beautiful black back and see her good behavior they are reminded of a similar dog a friend or family member has and mentally their opinion of her changes to the positive.

Check out groups like blackpearldog or Heartland Rescue who specialize in rescuing a specific breed that is commonly abandoned, such as Labrador Retrievers. Any dog of any color, size, and shape can be good or bad behaved, it depends on the owner rather than the dog. So hurry to save a darker dog before it is too late for that special one like me who got several extra chances at life thanks to my mom and dad.

Support Ugly-Cute Syndrome! Adopt today...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Eco Chic Pets

All my friends are going green!
New beds with natural filling and fibers, non toxic toys, earth friendly spa products, safe cleanup solutions, and food full of healthy real ingredients rather than bad byproducts.
I am such a huge supporter of this movement and want all my doggie friends to join in asap...
Tell all your "parents" to get on the bandwagon and go green today!